Passive Versus Active Marketing

You could be forgiven for thinking that Social Media is just for the extroverts among us, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. In days gone by we’ve all seen the people who seem to post almost constantly - telling us what they’re eating, what they’re thinking and pretty much anything else that comes to their mind. The question most of us have is; how busy can your work really be if you’re posting to social media all the time?

The good news is, consistency is more important than volume. A tidal wave of posts with no structure or purpose is pretty much useless. You’d be far better off posting twice a week, every week. Think about what you want to say, and why. What are you trying to achieve? Are you showcasing your work, or looking for engagement?

This is where it's important to understand the difference between passive and active marketing.

Active marketing is where you’re going out there to attract users and grow your followers. You need to be engaging and have lots of calls to action to illicit a response from anyone seeing your posts. This can make some of us feel like we’re in an uncomfortable popularity contest that just doesn’t feel like fun at all. You’d be forgiven for thinking that you HAVE to be an active marketer to get anywhere, but that’s not really the case with the Semi Permanent Makeup Industry. There is also a lot of value in building a strong profile that showcases your work quietly, subtly, and professionally. You still have to do the work, there are no shortcuts here.

Passive marketing is about consistency, uniformity, and maintaining your brand. It’s your shop-front, your showcase, your chance to show your skills. You can use your Passive social account to bolster your website, or Google business page. It’s ideal for the introverts among us as we get to let our work do the talking!

My tip for you, if you’re thinking of giving this a try, is to get a watermark, border, or some kind of repeatable, consistent style. If you want to see a great example of this, just check out Alexandra Mac’s Instagram feed here.


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