Is there a Microblading Course near you?

It’s undoubtedly a tough time for everyone at the moment, and you have to carefully consider each and every decision you make about your future. You might not be comfortable committing all of your savings or borrowing power on a Semi Permanent Makeup course, but maybe you should consider a Microblading course instead? They are far cheaper than the machine training, and will still allow you to test the market, build your marketing strategy, client base, and confidence. Once you’re ready to take the plunge into machine training (or medical tattooing) you’ll be far wiser for it!
You’ll know if you want to do all three areas, just by thinking about the clients you’ve been seeing for Microblading. Have they been asking about lips? Liners? Use that insider knowledge to steer your next move.

Once ready, you can even benefit from a Fast-Track course with Dermace. This is quicker and cheaper than starting from scratch - and all of our Fast-Track Microbladers say it’s SO much easier to pick up Machine after Microblading.

So - if you’re on the fence, consider a Microblading training course near you. Get in touch for more information.


Medical Tattooing Training


Hard Work Vs Drudgery